Sewage sludge is a necessary waste resulting from the effective treatment of waste water. The disposal options for this waste are limited. Up to 1998 sludge could be disposed of to sea but now most is sent to landfill.

However, if properly treated it has a very useful and environmentally beneficial purpose in being applied to land as fertiliser.

Why should a useful resource be disposed of to landfill? Consistent with the principles of the Waste Hierarchy, biosolids provide a high source of nutrient and organic matter suited to agricultural requirements and, when applied correctly, are beneficial to the environment.

Agrilife Ltd. specialise in the environmentally responsible application of biosolids to land. The company believe that the highest Environmental Standards are fundamental to the success of its business.

We have developed our business from the servicing of IPC licensed companies in the food and drink industries. Currently we apply 20,000 tonnes of organic waste on a dedicated landbank of 6,000 acres throughout Ireland. All applications are carried out in accordance with EPA requirements.

Agrilife has a long history of working with both farmers and industry in utilising organic waste products as an alternative to artificial fertilisers in both tillage and grassland farming.

In conjunction with EURO Environmental Services, we are recycling organic waste through careful and planned application to land.


Lime stabilisation of dewatered sludge is the most effective method of creating a treated biosolid which is biologically stable. Treated biosolids have a high nutrient value and are pH favourable for application to grazing and tillage crops. They are a nutrient source and lime addition, having a pH of 12+. They also have an organic/humus addition to the soil which artificial fertilisers do not have

  • A comprehensive examination of all Local Authority sludges.
  • Proposals on the sterilisation and production of biosolid fertiliser.
  • Completion of comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans based on code of practice etc.
  • Maintenance of biosolids register, and details of all waste applied to land and in storage, according to regulations and any other requirements of the Local Authority.


  • Carrying out full analysis of biosolid, at agreed frequencies for metal analysis, cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, mercury and nutrient analysis for nitrogen, phosophorus, potassium and % dry matter
  • Provision of advice to farmers on nutrient applications and assessment of the benefits arising.
  • Implementation of plan and detailed audit trail for all biosolids landspread.
  • Recommendations and costings on how the mass waste can be reduced
  • Proposals on the diversion of the waste stream generated, from landfill to useful land application as a fertiliser.
  • Sourcing and location of suitable farm applications, where possible within the County Council area
  • Provision of storage facilities of biosolids during no-spread periods.








+353 (0)58-52796